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Maybery Inc.
3 min read
Read this before you register a domain or website name.
Just because a domain name is available doesn't mean you can have it. Check whether it is trademarked first.
Warwick Maybery
4 min read
Should you send a breach notice first before you cancel a contract?
If you cancel without sending a breach notice, where you should have, you may be the one in breach of contract. Avoid a contractual maze.
Maybery Inc.
6 min read
Why you shouldn’t wait more than 90 days to collect a debt
If your client isn't paying you, it's usually due to financial mismanagement. The longer you wait, the lower your chances of collecting.
Maybery Inc.
4 min read
The real reason you have to file a Beneficial Ownership Disclosure
Company owners now need to file an annual Beneficial Ownership Disclosure. Here's why, and how to do it.
Maybery Inc.
1 min read
Never get screwed again.
Bad clients, bad staff and bad service providers. Every business owner has been screwed. Here's how to ensure it never happens again.
Warwick Maybery
2 min read
The one contract clause that could save you R30,000
Not all contracts are standard, and not all clauses are unchangeable. Scrutinise all clauses in your contracts to ensure they favour you.
Maybery Inc.
2 min read
Restraint of trade vs Non-Solicitation
Understand the difference between restraint of trade, non-solicitation and moonlighting clauses in contracts.
Maybery Inc.
2 min read
What you can do to improve your business in Q3 and Q4
Are you approaching your busiest season, or your quietest one - and what are you doing to prepare for it?
Maybery Inc.
4 min read
How to deregister a company in South Africa (and preserve your sanity) (Updated 2024)
Need to deregister a company? We've navigated the administrative maze for you.
Warwick Maybery
3 min read
How to fire a director of a company
Firing a director is not as simple as showing them the door! Avoid damages claims, CCMA awards and golden handshakes.
Warwick Maybery
6 min read
6 Smart Legal Moves to grow your business and save money
6 ways to improve your business productivity, processes and cashflow today.
Warwick Maybery
4 min read
How can a commercial attorney help grow my business?
Business lawyers are in the business of helping your business - here's how.
Maybery Inc.
2 min read
So many contracts, so few actual measurable metrics. Why your contracts need Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs. What do KPIs do for...
Maybery Inc.
2 min read
Some contracts can be escaped from; others not. Why?
Maybery Inc.
3 min read
Every business owner will, at one time or another in their career, sign a contract which starts off well, but turns into a disaster. Why...
Maybery Inc.
1 min read
Maybery Inc. wins another urgent court application
Why do we look so pleased with ourselves, apart from both having amazing hair days?
Maybery Inc.
1 min read
Help – my company has been hijacked!
Has your company directorship been hijacked? You need to act quickly to qualify for an urgent application to the High Court.
Maybery Inc.
3 min read
Dispute with a service provider - what should I do?
Frustrated with a service provider? Consider your options before the dispute gets out of hand.
Maybery Inc.
3 min read
Can I get out of a contract?
It's usually cheaper and safer to have a contract reviewed before signing it. If you've already signed, you might be still able to exit.
Maybery Inc.
1 min read
Directors: comply with the Companies Act, or face deregistration and criminal punishment
The Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CIPC) has begun implementing a new method to monitor compliance with the Companies...
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